Saturday 29 December 2012

Planning Hong Kong

Tian Tan (The Giant Buddha)

Our flights are booked for Hong Kong! We are going for ten days at the beginning of April - how exciting! We are flying from London and was able to get return tickets for just over £520 which is really good. The flight will be around eight hours with an hour stopover in Beijing - we have both agreed to try some real Chinese food and update our Facebook status to 'In Beijing' - even though we aren't leaving the airport ha ha. It is going to be a very long journey - especially with the 8 hour time difference on top and my rubbish sleep pattern as it is. It has been a really long time since I've flown with an airline where you can watch movies and actually have a proper dinner though and I love flying so is it really sad to be looking forward to it? I've never been on a long haul flight before though so might not been saying that afterwards!

While we are there we will spend five days assisting at Kennedy Primary school, which we are doing as part of our teaching course and should be an amazing experience. We decided to go for ten days so that we could see the sights and do all the touristy things! There are so many things I want to see and do while we are there, i'm not sure how much we will fit in. Kelly has been before so she knows the best things to see and do, and she is just as excited as me so it must be good if she wants to do them all all over again. Here are a few things I want to do...

1. Ride the cable cars - these sky high rides take you all the way to where the Giant Buddha stands. I'm glad i'm not afraid of heights. Kelly says this is a must-do.

2. See the skyline from a tall building. The photos of HK from high above are amazing so I can't wait to see it in real life, especially at night time.

3. Ocean Park - one of HK's main theme park/water worlds - it would be amazing to spend a day here!

4. Trying the food stalls/street vendors - I can't wait to try all the local cuisine. I have tried a lot of real Chinese food before but I am so picky when it comes to seafood. I'm going to try and try lots of different foods (and take photos) because often with Asian food, the taste is nothing that you would expect!

5. See the Giant Buddha close up. This is a really popular touristy thing to do and an amazing photo opportunity.

6. Visit Victoria Park - It reminds me of Central Park in NYC - so much greenery in the centre of a large suburban city, surrounded by skyscrapers and tall buildings.

7. Go on one of the many ferries that cross the harbour. I love water, boats and different ways of getting around so I know this is something I will enjoy.

8. Visit the zoo and see the Giant Panda's. Panda's are my favourite animals so to get to see them in (as close to) their natural home as possible will be amazing!

9. Ride the very long escalator across the city. This doesn't seem exciting compared to the other things on the list - but I always get excited about things we don't have here back in the UK that are so different.

L-R   1) Cable cars that lead to the Giant Buddha. 2) The beautiful Hong Kong skyline. 3) Ocean Park. 4) Street vendors selling all kinds of colourful foods. 5) The Giant Buddha. 6) Victoria Park 7) A ferry. 8) Giant Pandas. 9) The long escalators that span across the city.

The Kennedy School - Hong Kong (equipped with playgrounds on the roofs!)


  1. Look forward to hearing all about it :) xx


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