Saturday 29 December 2012

C4: Ultimate traveller

A couple of years ago there was a television series on Channel 4 where six inexperienced backpackers set off travelling Indonesia. Me and Ian found them on 4od and became obsessed - click here to watch!

 Ever since Indonesia has been at the top of my backpacking list as its truly a beautiful country with so much to see and explore. Indonesia consists of 17,500 islands - most of which are uninhibited by people, but with komodo dragons and the party island of Bali - there's still plenty that cannot be missed.

Recommended places to see in Indonesia

1. Lake Toba - often considered one of the natural wonders of the world, set in North Sumatra it is known as the deepest lake in the world. There is so much to do surrounding the lake - swimming, sailing, hiking the mountains and exploring the island of Samosir to see the ancient relics.

2. Pangandaran Beach - situated in West Java you can hike and explore the caves, laze on the beautiful beaches and admire the waterfall that flows into the ocean.
3. Lombok - situated East of Bali, the volcanic beaches, surfing and beautiful beaches means its a definite must-visit!
4. Thousand Islands - these are the cluster of islands at the bay of Jakarta, and some often disappear with the tide. It's also a hatching spot for turtles!
5. Bali - often known as the most famous of Indonesia's islands, known for its beautiful beaches, stunning scenery and party lifestyle.

(Large): Indonesian women carrying food during celebrations. (Top right): Lake Toba. (Middle): Lombok    
(Bottom L-R): Thousand Islands, Bali, Pangandaran Beach

Have you or anyone you know been to Indonesia? I'd love to know about your experiences and must-see destinations! Leave a comment :)


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