Thursday 18 April 2013

Two flights and passing through Beijing | Hong Kong

Hong Kong's financial district 

Our trip to Hong Kong came round so quickly and soon it was April 5th 2013, over 6 months after we first booked our flights and over a year before we first decided we was going to go. I'd never been on a long haul journey before and wasn't sure how I would find it. We flew from Heathrow (a mini city in itself) with Air China at 8pm ish in the evening with Air China. 

We checked in our bags (and found out we were allowed two bags worth 23kg each, per person - which is ridiculous who needs that much luggage?) and made our way to the plane. After walking through first class - i'm sure they do that on purpose, we took our seats and departed. After getting excited about the film/t.v. entertainment guide ('Bride wars' was on) we were hugely disappointed when we realised a) most of the films in the guide weren't on the t.v. and b) most films were in Chinese. Surprisingly (ha) all of the food was Chinese and wasn't that nice (i'm sure plane food is like marmite, you either love it or hate it).

As we were taking two flights, after 10 hours we landed in Beijing ready for our short 4 hour flight to Hong Kong. After searched bags, a toilet trip and 7 (yes, really) passport/ticket shows we made it on to our second plane. Apparently in China, you are always guilty until proven innocent - I panicked wondering if in my tiredness I had packed a large stash of drugs the way they were glaring at us and pulling things out of my bag!

Things we learned...
  • Keep your passport/ticket to hand in Beijing airport - they view everyone as guilty and you will need to show your passport numerous times.
  • You can pick up a Visa on the airplane - this will save time when you land.
  • Air China is a budget airline - don't expect too much in-flight entertainment and take some food in case you don't like the ones provided.
  • Order a Diet Pepsi - they will give you the whole can rather than a small plastic cup!


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