Thursday 18 April 2013

Lantau Island and the Giant Buddha | Hong Kong

After arriving late Saturday evening and adjusting to an 8 hour time difference we arrived at Hong Kong airport feeling very jet lagged and hungry. I was gutted to find out my suitcase had been ripped near the zip, but luckily nothing had fallen out. We bought train tickets ($80 each) as the airport is on a different island to Hong Kong island, where we were staying. The train departed at an area called 'Central', the main part of Hong Kong and we jumped in a taxi to the apartment we were staying at in Pokfulam. The views were amazing, the amount of people and sky high buildings were incredible.

Arriving at the Giant Buddha

We decided to make the most of our day and decided to go to Lantau Island to see the Giant Buddha, one of Hong Kong's best known attractions. After getting a taxi to Central, we caught the Ferry to Lantau Island and took a coach (easy to catch and right near the ferry terminal) up to the top of the mountains near to where the giant Buddha stood. Even though it looks cloudy, it was really warm and perfect weather to walk around in.

Large incense sticks near the temple - Street food stalls selling popcorn and squid balls - The entrance to the temple area - A temple with shrines

There was lots to see up the mountain and although the sky looks horrible, it was actually really warm and apparently we were really lucky to see the top of the Buddha because it's usually in the clouds! There was a beautiful temple full of shrines and incense burners and lots of people went in to pray. There was a small market and I bought some real chopsticks (which I am actually really good at!). We decided not to have any food, especially from the street stall that sold squid balls and popcorn...yuk.

After a wander round we decided to head back and get showered and ready for dinner. We were very lucky that the lovely people we were staying with took us out to one of the best restaurants in the city. It was in the Kowloon district and was called Hu Tong and it was amazing. On the way there we passed the fifth avenue of Hong Kong - Canton Road - with every designer shop you could possibly imagine - Ralph Lauren, Chanel, Tiffany's, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada and so many more. The restaurant was in a skyscraper building and on the 40 something' floor. The food was Chinese and we had some gorgeous crispy duck, Japanese sea cucumber slices and chili-spiced bamboo clams. The most amazing thing about the restaurant was the view, it was incredible. The Laser show started at 8 pm and we watched all of the pretty lights light up Hong Kong skyline. It was an amazing start to the week.

Hu Tong and view of HK skyline

  • Taxi's charge for luggage - there is a surcharge for luggage but it's only roughly $20 so only about £2!
  • Have key addresses written in Chinese - we were lucky enough to be staying with someone who could write in Chinese and this was useful if the taxi driver couldn't understand us or speak good English.
  • The Ferry is so cheap - It only cost $40 for a 30-40 minute trip which is only a few pounds.
  • Coach drivers are crazy - the coaches that drive up the mountains don't meet much other traffic and drive completely mad - just don't look out the front window...
  • Try to choose a clear day to see the Buddha - you might be disappointed if you can't see his head!


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