Saturday 27 April 2013

Peak tram and view from the Peak | Hong Kong

View from the Peak

One of the things I definitely wanted to do whilst in HK was go up to the top of Victoria Peak, well known for its amazing views across the city. Unfortunately it was quite a cloudy afternoon so wasn't the best view but still amazing none the less. We went up on the Peak tram, which really is like a roller coaster and is so steep that you really don't feel that safe! It was $40 return (£3-4) which was good or $70 with the top skyline view, but we didn't think it would be worth the extra as it was so misty! We had a look around a few of the shops and market stalls then headed back down on the tram and had a wander through the Financial district (never felt so touristy) before hailing a taxi and heading back to the apartment.

The Peak Tram, Financial district, Graffiti art

What we learned..
  • Choose a clear day to head up the Peak as you'll get the best view, although it'll probably be much busier so prepare for a long wait.
  • Walk through the shopping mall's they really are incredible and all of the shops are designer or very high priced but it's amazing to walk through.
  • Try to avoid the Peak at busy times - we got there about 3.30 pm but wish we'd went earlier as it was still really busy


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