Saturday 27 April 2013

Happy Valley Races | Hong Kong

On Wednesday evening we headed to the Happy Valley Races, held every Wednesday night, in a huge racecourse that stands right in the middle of Hong Kong for only $10 entry . Seeing such a wide open space after days of being surrounded by skyscrapers was surreal. We arrived really early so we grabbed a Mcdonalds (it was cheap, with no queues and we understood the menu) and found some seats with a good view.

After eating we decided to go and attempt to put some bets on and Kelly found an English guy who told us how to fill in the betting slips. We also stole a print out of the Horse's names and statistics and chose from there, betting $10 each on three races (which is 90p but we just wanted to say we had won!) We headed down to the track to watch our races and we both won 1st place, I was so happy! The races also looked beautiful as the sun went down and I got some amazing photos on my camera..


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