Friday 21 June 2013

Ocean Park & Pandas | Hong Kong

One thing I couldn't wait to do whilst in Hong Kong was see the Panda's! They have always been one of my favourite animals and I like the fact that not everyone has seen them up and close.

Early in the morning we managed to take the bus to Aberdeen (with our OAP bus passes it only cost us about 30 pence!) and then took a short taxi ride to Ocean park ($28). It cost around $32 for entry which we thought was good for a whole day. Originally we were tempted by Disneyland, but heard that it's better for families with younger children and doesn't match up to Paris or America, so we were happy to settle  for Ocean Park.

Ocean Park is a mixture of animals, rides and attractions but we mainly wanted to see the animals and ride the cable cars. We saw pandas, red pandas, arctic foxes and lots of other animals Then we went on the cable cars which were amazing, despite it being quite cloudy the view was incredible. They go across the edge of cliffs and it really is quite scary (not recommended if you're scared of heights!)

We had a wonder around 'old Hong Kong', a small street that was made to show how the country looked when it was under British rule. It had the iconic red phone box and big London bus, mixed with Chinese symbols and flags and was really interesting.  Afterwards we headed to the gift shop before taking the bus back to Central. 
Old Hong Kong, view from the Cable cars, Alligators, Kelly writing on the 'wish wall'.

Back at Cyberport we got a few bits of shopping and picked up lots of chinese sweets/chocolate and I had this gorgeous haagen daaz ice cream wafer - I nearly cried when I found out they don't sell them in the UK!

As it was our last night we were taken out by Andrew & Winnie, who were kindly letting us stay with them, to a gorgeous outdoor restaurant in Causeway bay. It was a Thai, called 'Spices' and it was so lovely to sit outdoors with candles and good company. For starters we had spring rolls and I was dared to try the Pork neck, which I ended up loving -  it was delicious. For mains we had a gorgeous sizzling Tikka Masala and for desert we had rice balls in coconut cream and mango with sticky rice - both so yummy.

What we learned..

  • The food is quite expensive at Ocean Park - if we'd have known we would have took some food with us (you don't get searched and a lot of people seemed to have picnic food).
  • The cable cars are not for the faint-hearted!
  • It's worth taking the bus - it's so much cheaper than a taxi.
  • Swimming with dolphins at Ocean park is quite cheap - I would definitely do this if I went back again.
  • The IFC mall is incredible, it's like no other shopping centre I've ever seen. 


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