Saturday 22 June 2013

Causeway bay & Stanley | Hong Kong

On the Saturday we decided to visit two parts of Hong Kong that really interested us; Causeway bay and Stanley. We managed to find a bus stop near by that headed straight to Causeway bay (mainly by luck) and it was really busy and bustling - almost like being right in the centre of London or New York. We jumped on a tram which like old fashioned toy trams and made for a bumpy ride. We had a wander around then tried to find a taxi to Stanley which was near impossible and so spent ages walking around trying to find one. 

Walking towards the smaller side streets we stumbled upon Victoria Park, a beautiful green outdoor space full of flowers, ponds and pretty things. It was so unusual to see such a big open space surrounded by tall buildings. We sat down at a dainty little cafe and had some fries and a drink whilst people watching before heading on a taxi hunt again. Luckily, Kelly led us to the hotel she had stayed at last time she came which thankfully had a taxi stand and it only took 20 minutes or so to get to Stanley.

Causeway Bay, Victoria Park

Arriving in Stanley was surreal as I'd never have imagined Hong Kong to have beaches or little villages, but that's exactly what Stanley is, almost like a little Cornwall. We had a walk through the old market, full of patterned fabrics, souvenirs and lots and lots of clothes and we bought a few bits and pieces. We had a walk along the front of the beach and it was such a pretty area away from the bustling city. There was a gorgeous temple full of shrines and brightly coloured fabrics and we watched as people prayed and lit incense sticks to burn. 

Stanley beach, the Seafront, Inside the temple, People praying

A while later we decided to head back to the apartment, but accidentally ended up queuing at a Taxi stand that wasn't actually a taxi stand.. so after an hour or so wait we decided to brave the buses, before ending up stuck in traffic on a bus for over an hour! Eventually we made it back to Cyberport and stocked up on sweets, chocolate, cheap alcohol to take back (90p for 500ml of 35% alcohol!) and lots of Mcdonalds! Our crazy taxi driver taught us some Chinese all the way back to the apartment too which was fun!

What we learned...
  • It's worth checking bus routes - it'll save you so much money and they're quite easy to understand.
  • The tram only costs $2 and you can get off whenever you want (get on at the back and scan your metro card off at the front when you leave).
  • Haggle in the market - don't be afraid to ask for a lower price, if they say no tell them you'll look elsewhere (most shops sell the same kinds of things)
  • Victoria Park is well worth the visit, particularly on a sunny day and if you're feeling claustrophobic!
  • Keep a notebook to write down bus numbers and the names of places your going to/from as it's easy to get confused.


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