Friday 13 December 2013

Notre Dame, the Lourve & the padlock bridge | Paris, France

Saturday was our last whole day in Paris and so we decided to visit the typical touristy sights that everyone recommends that you do. We took the metro to Notre dame first which we thought was stunning. The detail was incredible and I really love the Gothic feel and gargoyles. I can't remember it but I must have watched Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame when I was little and it's made me want to dig it out again. Stood outside on the steps, we both became immersed in watching a French man sneak up on passers-by with a horrible scary mask on to prank them, we wasn't sure if he was a street performer or just doing it for a laugh but it was fun to watch. We headed inside and although neither of us are religious, we enjoyed learning all about the famous cathedral. We both wrote a prayer each and added it to the millions already placed in the prayer box by people from all across the world.

It started to rain as we left but we headed to the gardens on the south side of the cathedral and watched as a pair of Newly weds had wedding photos taken to the backdrop of Notre Dame - pretty cute. We took a walk around and luckily managed to stumble upon one of the famous padlock bridges - or lovers lock bridge as it's sometimes known. There is an old tradition that you and your partner will stay in love forever if you jointly place a padlock onto the bridge and throw the key into the river. It was amazing to read so many of the inscriptions on locks of all different shapes, colours and sizes. We bought one ourselves from a shop nearby and added our own. Who knows how long it will be there but it will be something we'll always remember.

Edit - the first time I tried to throw the key into the river it landed on the railing edge - awkward! We had to try and drag it back so we could throw it over again - awkward and not so romantic! 

Even though it was pouring it down, we headed to the Louvre and see the famous  Mona Lisa and other impressive pieces of art. We had to queue for quite a while but it was well worth it once we were inside. We showed our passports meaning we could get tickets for free and Ian wanted to head straight to the Mona Lisa. We got as close as we could and then headed around to look at lots of other exhibitions. After lots of walking we decided to head back to our hotel and pack ready for our flight home the next day.

Travel tips

  • Visiting the Lourve - if you're sure you want to visit it's worth booking online so you don't have to stand outside in the freezing cold queue.
  • Take your passports if you're from the UK and aged 18-23 and you can get in the Lourve for free!
  • Buy a padlock/marker pen at home and take it with you, it's surprising how few shops actually sell them near the bridge.
  • Make use of the free coat/umbrella closet at the Lourve so you don't have to carry it around with you.


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