Friday 14 September 2012

Booking Rome

"In the world Rome is probably the place where most in beauty has been accumulated and subsists in span of twenty centuries. It has created nothing, only a spirit of greatness and order of beautiful things; but the most magnificent monuments on the earth have extended and were fixed in it with such energy to leave the most numerous and indelible tracks in it, more than in anywhere else on the globe".

Deciding on Rome

Rome had always been a place I wanted to go to and as we both hadn't been to Italy before, we decided it would be the perfect place in Europe to go for a few days. We decided to book for the beginning of September, after the school holidays and when accommodation and flights are a bit cheaper.

 Looking for a hotel was tricky and at first I booked one that seemed perfect- but had no private toilet eek! We know now that we probably could have coped fine but decided on a different hotel anyway. We booked the Santa Maria Inn (Click here to book!)  in the Central Station area of Rome, a five minute walk from the Termini (train station) and metro line. The room looked beautiful on the photos, with good views of typical Italian backstreets  It also promised a 10 minute walk to the Coliseum, free wi-fi and a private bathroom.

If i'm honest I wasn't very organised, both me and Ian knew we wanted to see the Coliseum, Trevi Fountain and visit Vatican City, but other than that we headed to Rome pretty blindfolded! Ian's mum got us a travel book on Rome from a car boot and it definitely helped, it gave us lots of tips and it meant we could read about where we were going or find out about a certain attraction (who needs guided tours). An exciting mini adventure :)


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