Friday 14 September 2012

An introduction..

Travelling to me is something I have to do, not something I just want to do. In the recent years, my wishlist of places I want to see has grown, but the idea of travelling has become much more of a reality. I've read, read and read some more, spent hours looking at friends travelling photos and made so many plans. I've read a lot about other peoples experiences and I wanted a little space on this big wide web to share my own!

22, recently qualified as a primary school teacher, temporary part time full time waitress with a lust for exploring new cities.

20, manager at a retail store who longs to quit the day job and live spontaneously on the road.

We don't know everything there is to know about travelling (or blogging), but we are learning. This blog will be for us to share our travels, experiences and tips from our own experiences - including how not to get conned in Rome & how to ensure you book a hotel in the right city (Paris trip - Ian's fault). 


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